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eB-5 visas

Here is a brief summary of the Visa EB-5. Please click on the button below to know about our EB-5 Service.

Like many countries, the U.S. provides a means of entry for wealthy people who will pump money into its economy. This is known as the employment fifth preference—or "EB-5"—immigrant visa, which allows people to obtain permanent residence immediately upon entry to the United States.


However, applicants for a U.S. green card based on investment must not only invest a significant amount in a U.S. business, they must take an active role in that business (though they don't need to control it).



What's the Minimum Investment for an EB-5 Investor Visa?


The precise amount of the minimum required investment is in flux. In the past and for many years, it was between $500,000 and $1 million, with the lower amount applicable only when investing in "targeted economic areas" (normally rural or high-unemployment areas). Then on November 21, 2019, the minimum investment requirements were raised to between $900,000 and $1.8 million.


However, in June of 2021, a federal judge held that the raised amounts were not properly signed off upon, and therefore never came into effect. So the $500,000/$1 million limits will remain in effect until the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) re-promulgates the new rules, as many experts believe is likely, though the timing cannot be predicted.


If and when the new rules do take effect, the minimum amounts will be adjusted for inflation every five years. A further change that was part of the 2019 rules said that state governments would no longer be allowed to say where the "targeted economic areas" are, but this would instead by handled by the DHS.


Is There an Annual Limit on EB-5 Visas?


Green cards for investors are limited in number, to 10,000 per year, and green cards for investors from any one country are limited as well. If more than 10,000 people apply in a year, or a large amount of people from your country apply that year, you might be placed on a waiting list based on your "priority date" (the day you filed the first portion of your application).


Most applicants don't have to worry about being put on a waiting list: Until recently, the 10,000 limit had never been reached. In the last several years, however, demand for EB-5 visas from China, Vietnam, and India has been high, sometimes creating a waiting list for these investors. As of mid-2021, people from countries other than China and Vietnam do not have to wait.


Pluses of an EB-5 Green Card


Here are some of the advantages and limitations to an investment-based green card:

  • EB-5 green cards initially are only conditional—that is, they expire in two years. You can get the conditional green card by showing a likelihood that the business you invest in will be able to hire the necessary amount of workers. The trick is for the business to actually do that within two years. If it hasn't, or you do not maintain eligibility in any other way, your green card will be cancelled.


  • USCIS rejects some applications in this category. That is partly because the eligibility requirements are narrow, and partly because of the category's history of fraud and misuse. Some lawyers counsel their clients to use their wealth to fit themselves into another category with a greater chance of success. For example, by investing in a company outside the U.S. that has a U.S. affiliate, the person might qualify to immigrate as a transferring executive or manager (priority worker, in category EB-1).


  • As long as you have money to invest and can demonstrate that you are in the process of investing it in a for-profit business, you yourself do not need to have any particular business training or experience.


  • You can choose to invest your money in a business anywhere in the U.S., but until you get your unconditional, permanent green card, you must maintain your investment and stay actively engaged with the company you invest in.


  • After you get your unconditional green card, you can work for another company or not work at all.


  • You must actually live in the U.S.—you may not use the green card only for work and travel purposes.


  • Your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 can get conditional and then permanent green cards as accompanying relatives.


  • As with all green cards, yours can be taken away if you misuse it. For example, if you live outside the U.S. for too long, commit a crime, or even fail to advise the immigration authorities of your change of address, you might become deportable. However, if you keep your green card for five years and live in the U.S. continuously during that time (counting your two years as a conditional resident), you can apply for U.S. citizenship.


Are You Eligible for a Green Card Through Investment?


There are two different ways to get an EB-5 visa.


Most people invest in a "regional center," which is an organization that runs a business that creates jobs. This is attractive to most investors because they do not have to create their own business, and the required dollar amount of the investment is usually only the lower tier.


Regional centers are designated and approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and are set up to take care of USCIS requirements for the initial, conditional EB-5 visa. Investors must be careful to choose a regional center that can actually deliver on its promise to take care of USCIS requirements for getting the unconditional green card, however—not all can and do.


Another concern is that, despite regional centers being a highly sought after way to apply for an EB-5, the program is not a permanent part of U.S. immigration law. Congress must regularly act to extend it, and isn't always consistent about doing so. In 2021, in fact, the program sunsets on June 30, and with Congress out of session cannot possibly be reauthorized until July.


You can also get an EB-5 visa through direct investment in your own business. You must invest the higher-tier minimum in creating a new U.S. business or restructuring or expanding one that already exists.


Where the Investment Money Must Come From


The entire amount must come from you; you can't share the investment with other people and expect any or all of you to get green cards. USCIS will look at where you got the money, to make sure it was from a lawful source. You'll need to provide evidence, such as salary, investment, sale of lawfully obtained assets, gift, or inheritance.


However, the investment does not have to be made solely in cash. Cash equivalents, such as certificates of deposits, loans (whether personally secured or not), and promissory notes can all be counted in the total.


So can the value of any equipment, inventory, or other tangible property you put into the business. You must make an equity investment (ownership share) and you must place your investment at risk of partial or total loss if the business does badly.


Requirements Regarding Hiring Employees for Your U.S. Business


The business in which you invest must ultimately employ at least ten full-time workers (not counting independent contractors), produce a service or product, and benefit the U.S. economy.


Full-time employment means at least 35 hours of service per week. One advantage of investing in a regional center is that it can count "indirect" jobs created by businesses that service the main business, as shown by economic models.


The investor, spouse, and any children may not be counted among the ten employees. Other family members may be counted, however. The ten workers do not necessarily have to be U.S. citizens, but they must have more than a temporary (nonimmigrant) U.S. visa. Green card holders and any other foreign nationals who have the legal right to indefinitely live and work in the U.S. can all be counted toward the required ten.


Requirement That Investor Be Actively Involved in the Business


It's important to realize that you won't be able to send the money, sit back, and await your green card. The investor must be actively engaged in the company, either in a managerial or a policy-forming role. Passive investments, such as land speculation, do not ordinarily qualify you for an EB-5 green card.


Fortunately, USCIS considers investors in a regional center set up as a limited partnership (as most are) to be sufficiently engaged in management by virtue of their investment.


Requirement of New Commercial Enterprise


If seeking an EB-5 visa through direct investment, the investment must be made in a new commercial enterprise. You can either create an original business, buy a business that was established after November 29, 1990, or buy a business and restructure or reorganize it so that a new business entity is formed.


If you buy an existing business and expand it, you need to increase either the number of employees or the net worth of the business by at least 40%. You also need to make the full required investment, and you would still need to show that your investment created at least ten full-time jobs for U.S. workers.


If you buy a troubled business and plan to save it from going under, you will need to show that the business has been around for at least two years and has had an annual loss of 20% of the company's net worth at some point over the 24 months leading up to the purchase. You must still invest the full required amount, but to get the unconditional green card, you are not required to show that you created ten jobs. Instead, you would need to show that for two years from the date of purchase, you employed at least as many people as were employed at the time of the investment.


Advisory Services

Tel: +1-305-998-0294

Whatsapp: +1-305-998-0294

2980 NE 207th Street

Suite 608

Aventura, FL 33180

© 2021 by Franvisa.                We are not immigration attorneys.

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